9 Things That Are 8 Inches (in) Long

When we consider measurements, we usually consider feet, meters, or centimeters. But something is intriguing about the number 8 and its various applications in our daily lives.

One fascinating application is measuring exactly 8 inches (20.32 centimeters) long. It may seem like a random measurement, but plenty of everyday objects, food items, tools, and equipment fall under this category.

1. Adult Human Hand (Male)

Adult Human Hand Size

The average hand length of an adult human male is approximately 8 inches from the tip of the middle finger to the crease below the palm.

According to NASA research on hand anatomy, the typical hand size dimensions for adult men are 7.6 inches long by 3.5 inches wide. While hand sizes vary, many adult males have hands reaching close to 8 inches long when fully extended.

Factors like genetics, ethnicity, and height account for differences in hand proportions across the population. Still, an 8-inch hand span is considered common for most full-grown men.

Compared to average female hand size (6.8 inches long), male hands tend to be longer and broader on average. So, many adult human males’ hands align closely with the 8-inch length called for in this list.

2. The Average Banana

The Average Banana

According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s standards for banana size grades (1), the average retail banana is approximately 8 inches long.

Specifically, the USDA categorizes bananas that are between 8 and 8 7/8 inches in length as “large” bananas. This size classification corresponds to a banana weight between 136-152 grams.

Although exact banana dimensions can vary slightly depending on the specific cultivar and growing methods, a typical Cavendish banana found at the grocery store measures about 8 inches from tip to tip.

This makes the common Cavendish the perfect candidate for a list of household items that are 8 inches in length.

3. The Paperback Book

Paperback Book

Paperback books are popular amongst avid readers due to their convenience and affordability compared to hardcover books.

Most paperback books have roughly 4″ x 6″ dimensions, but their length can vary depending on the book.

But On average, paperback books are around 8 inches in length.

Paperback books come in all genres and can be found in libraries, bookstores, or online retailers. They provide an opportunity for people of all ages to escape into another world through the power of storytelling.

4. Handle of a Screwdriver

Handle of a Screwdriver

The versatile screwdriver is a go-to tool for countless tasks around the house or garage. The handle length of a standard flathead or Phillips screwdriver falls squarely in line with the 8-inch theme of this list.

Screwdriver manufacturers size the grip span of hand tools to maximize comfort and torque…

5. Adjustable Wrench

Adjustable Wrench

An adjustable wrench is necessary when tackling plumbing repairs, mechanical work, or various home projects that require twisting, tightening, or loosening hardware.

This essential tool is designed to provide up to 8 inches of grip capacity thanks to its sliding jaw size adjustments.

6. Carpenter’s Pencil

Carpenter's Pencil

Known for their rectangular shape and oversized graphite width, carpenter pencils differ from standard pencils in a few ways.

But one lesser-known distinction is their extra length, with most models sized to 8 inches long to fit conveniently in a carpenter’s toolbox or work belt…

7. Hockey Stick Blade Length

Hockey Stick Blade Length The Perfect Length for Optimal Performance

The next time you take in an NHL or youth hockey game, take note of the stick length brandished by the players.

Regulations mandate that stick blades cannot exceed 8 inches in length from the heel (bottom) to the toe (top) for both competitive and recreational hockey leagues.

8. The Size and Weight of Frisbees: Not Just for Beaches

The Size and Weight of Frisbees: Not Just for Beaches

Flying discs like the Wham-O Frisbee have long been a staple of outdoor summertime fun and games.

But few realize that standard Frisbee disc dimensions adhere closely to the 8′ in inches sizing referenced throughout this list.

According to Wham-O specifications, the typical Frisbee width spans just over 8 inches tip-to-tip…

9. Small Dinner Plate

When shopping for dishes, standard place settings often include three plate sizes – a large 10-12 inch dinner plate, a mid-sized salad plate, and a small dessert plate.

Small Dinner Plate

Specifically, those mid-tier salad plates typically measure 8 inches in diameter, making them a perfect bookend to this compilation.

While dimensions can vary slightly by brand, most basic dish sets include 8-inch width plates classified specifically as salad plates.

For example, Gibson’s popular Elite Casa collection includes 8-inch accent plates marketed for salads and breads.

Similarly, Corelle’s Livingware line contains 8.25-inch plates sold in sets with the moniker “luncheon plates.”

So, standard 8-inch wide plates can be found in almost any dish collection to match this list’s theme, whether used for salad, bread, breakfast, or even decorative purposes.


In the end, common household items like adult male hands, large bananas, tools, sports equipment, and dishware all share one thing – an 8-inch span perfectly suited for this piece.

So next time you encounter one of these everyday products, remember this compilation and muse over their seemingly coordinated sizing.

From body parts to fruit, currency to carpentry, recreation to dishes – the 8-inch scale appears popularly across categories. Now that’s food for thought!